Angel Healing
You are not alone; you have Merlin, your Guardian Angel, your Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and now the Angels of Awakening all helping you.
The Angels are all loving, non judgemental beings from a higher dimension that channel love, light and healing to us. We work together to bring you different types of healing
Angels of Awakening Golden Pyramid Healing.
The intention of Golden Pyramid Angel Healing is to clear, release and enable the flow of Chi, the Golden Mean and the Tube Torus of the Rainbow Bridge for a full transformation through the Flower of Life Sacred Symbol.
Daisy channels both Merlin and Angelic assistance from 7 Angelic Realms, along with the Angels of Elohim to bring a Conference of Angels to assist, guide and heal with Angelic Light through the Golden Pyramid.
We invite the Angels of Awakening and the Archangels to bring their beautiful qualities to facilitate the healing. The Angels enable you to enter a place of peace and tranquillity as you open your heart to the love that is the Universal Life-Force Energy and is yours by divine right.
This is a 'hands on' physical healing which can be done as an absent distance healing technique. It will uplift and energise you. Bringing you an increase flow of love, joy and abundance in your life.
Angels of Awakening Reiki Healing
The Angels of Awakening Reiki system is a healing system that allows you to heal yourself and others. It is designed to connect you to, and synchronize you with, the universal source of love, light and harmony.
Anger, worry, rudeness and other ego based behaviours and feelings make it hard to connect and be with this universal source of love, light and harmony.
To help overcome these behaviours Dr Usui incorporated the Reiki principles, a simple set of affirmations, which are said morning and night with, hands in the prayer positions.
Angel Heart Healing
Daisy also channels a quality of Angelic energy and consciousness called Angelic Heart 1, 11, 111 & 1v from Merlin’s VortexHealing ® Divine Energy lineage.
The human emotional system responds very strongly to this, facilitating the release of old emotional patterns and helping the remembering of our own Heart.
® "VortexHealing" is a registered service mark of Ric A. Weinman.
All rights reserved. Used here with permission.
You will find the Golden Pyramid within the
Flower of Life Sacred Symbol and Metatron’s Cube.
Do you want help with any of these issues?
The Angels can assist you with any of these Conditions, Problems, Issues and any other matters that you may have.
* Trauma , Stress & Anxiety
* Depression & Grief
* Addictions & Health Worries
* Anger Management & Letting Go
* Confidence & Relationships
* Life balance confusion
* Career, Finance & Life transitions
*Narcissist Dependency & Shock
* To Name Just a Few Disorders & Dis-Eases.
Find Your Wings and Fly
What to expect
How to start your Healing session.
Absent or Distance Angel Healing
Make an Angelic Connection during Daisy’s Healing Retreats
There is no right or wrong way to connect with your Angels of Awakening. It is all in divine order.
Optional individual healings with Daisy are available over the course of the whole week. You can now have 'Hands On' One 2 One or Hands Off Healing in Person or via Zoom or telephone.
- One 2 one is £110 for one hour
- 1-3 Healings £300
-4-6 Healings £540
-7 regular sessions+ £80 each
- 30 minutes One 2 One for £40 via Zoom or telephone only
Contact Daisy Foss and she will make an appointment for you to both to be available to talk.
You pay for the session by BAC, PayPal, credit or debit card. Then call, text, email or WhatsApp Daisy when you are ready, by Phone, Facetime, or Facebook her for your session.
To book a healing call me on
01458 834587 or 07970 108156
or email
® "VortexHealing" is a registered service mark of Ric A. Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission.
Disclaimer: VortexHealing® is a complementary energetic healing tool.It is not a replacement for medical treatment.
Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.
Last year Daisy was Highly Commended as Best Loved Angel Expert.