Who Are The Angels Of Awakening
Who Are the Angels Of Awakening
The Angels of Awakening are 13th Dimensional Beings of Absolute wisdom, love and Peace. They have unique insights and healing to share especially for you
There are 7 Angels Of Awakening Realms is on the higher Angelic Planes, like the Sun, these Angels can beam their light to us, but we can’t go to them. These angels working with me at this time are all bringing different qualities and teachings.
Meet all the Angels Of Awakening
They are the Angels of Avalon, Atlantis, Alchemy, Awareness, Angles, Ascension and Awakening.
How I met the Angels in Egypt ~ My Story
I met the Angels of Awakening in 1999. This was my first Sacred Journey to Egypt, the first time I set foot in the Great Pyramid at Giza.
It was while I was lying down in the Sarcophagus that I saw a blue flash of light, followed by a brilliant white light. This was not a migraine attack! It was such a profound experience I couldn't speak for quite some time afterwards. The intense feeling of Love was so extreme I remember not wanting to tell anyone. Paul was having his own epic experience, but that’s another story. I just knew something incredible had happened, but it took quite a few years to become really clear what it was.
Where The Angels Are From
One of the questions we are asked most is: Where do these Angels, light beings come from? How do we know they are there?
We trust our knowing. We use wisdom and esoteric knowledge passed down through the mystery schools and oral traditions. The Angels of Awakening connected with Daisy, Paul in the Great Pyramid in Giza. They were with a group of people on an Angelic Spiritual Journey in Egypt in 2005.
Once you know where the Angels come from it begins to make more sense, and you can understand them better. Although the map is in linear formation, the angelic Spheres are omnipresent and on all levels at once, multi dimensional in the matrix.
The Angels of Elohim
The seven main Archangels of the Elohim Angelic Realm, are often called Creator Angels, the first Angels of Atlantis. They helped bring about the first seeding Gaia of man/woman as we know it. They are the major Guardian Angels and help us most when we call for angels, whatever the reason.
Contact Daisy Foss and she will make an appointment for you to both to be available to talk.
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To book a healing call me on
01458 834587 or 07970 108156
or email info@daisyfoss.com
® "VortexHealing" is a registered service mark of Ric A. Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. www.VortexHealing.org
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