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The upcoming 3 months of New Now Classes

Online Courses

Join for a one-off session below or arrange to retreat in Your Own Home with bespoke sessions for you. Call or email for details and to book these Zoom workshops until we can be in person again.

January 2021
9th January 2021 ~ 10 - 6 pm ~ Nourishing the New You with Eat For Health UK

13th January ~ 7 pm - 8 pm ~ AoA Q&A - a Meditation Experience, £10
15th January ~7 pm - 8 pm ~ Spiritual Practices, a Meditation Experience, £10
16th January ~ 10 - 6 pm ~ Find You're Well Self ~ From Coping to Creating: Struggling to Thriving.

22nd January ~ 7 pm - 8 pm ~ Spiritual Practices, a Meditation Experience, £10
23rd January ~ 10 - 6 pm ~ How to Survive Trauma ~How to Love after NPD Relationships.

27th January ~ 7 pm - 8 pm ~ AoA Q&A - a Meditation Experience, £10
29th January ~ 7 pm - 8 pm Spiritual Practices, a Meditation Experience, £10
30th January ~ 10 -6 pm Connecting to Ancient Wisdom ~ Discover what the Mystery of Merlin and the Angels can do for you.
1st February ~ 10 .30 -11.30 - Angels of Awakening Imbolc 2021 ceremony

February 2021

6th February 2021 ~ 10 - 6 pm ~ Nourishing the New You with Eat For Health UK

March 2021

17th March 7 pm - 8 pm ~ AoA Q&A - a Meditation Experience, £10

19th to 22nd March Spring equinox
19th March ~ 7 pm - 8 pm Spiritual Practices, a Meditation Experience, £10
20th March ~ 10 - 6 pm Connecting to Ancient Wisdom

21st March ~ Sunrise on Glastonbury Tor followed by
10.30 -11.30 ~ Angels of Awakening Spring Equinox 2021 ceremony
7.30 -8.30 pm ~ Spring Equinox 2021 Meditation Experience
22nd March 2020 - 7 -8 pm - Spring Equinox Party!!!

Meditations, 7pm - 8pm - £10
Day Sessions, 10am - 6pm - £120
1 hour £30 per person 
Half-day £60 per person
Full day £120 per person 


Retreats prices here for Bespoke New Now Programmes

For individual and group accommodation go to (link to

*Sound Healings, Meditations and Readings are also available in this package as an add on*

Also available to be arranged individually for your bespoke retreat:
Creative Writing

Art & Craft Class

Yoga & Well Being

For further info go visit the NEW NOW