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9th ~ 11th November 2018 - 11.11.11 Angels Of Awakening Retreat

9th ~11th November 2018 - 11.11.11 Angels of Awakening Retreat
at the Daisy Centres, Glastonbury

We have a programme of meditations and healing events with the Angels of Awakening once a month and Retreats every Solstice and Equinox.

These weekends can be tailor-made for you and your group or you can just come alone, meet new friends and enjoy the experience. We would love to see you at some of the events or all of them!

 Friday 9th November ~ Angel Invocation and Heart Opening Meditation 
Come and experience a very deep healing for your whole system what ever your matter may be. We invite the Angels Of Awakening, open your heart and gather as a group to Integrate, embody and energize your whole body with healing energy directly from Merlin and the Angels. It is a very powerful session and you can have significant shifts of consciousness. You may even feel your Guardian Angel!

This takes place in the Sanctuary for an hour from 7.30 to 9pm, it is only £10 for this AoA taster session so do come and try the healing energy of Vortex Healing ® Divine Energy Healing

Saturday 10th November ~ Angel Workshop to Release Old Patterns ~

Daisy Matrix - Clearing the Fear workshop.

This very subtle yet powerful class can help you transform and regenerate your consciousness to become the best that you wish to be. What does that mean?

We take you back through your Egyptian Priestess or Priest Lineage to one of your past experiences as a Healer and help you to Heal your Wounded Self. Once you have laid those past trauma’s to rest and released the emotional charge within your DNA cellular memory, you will be amazed how your life can change for the better. 

Not only will you feel better about your self but your clients will appreciate your restored and reinvigorated healing gifts. You probably have had many lifetimes as a healer, priestess, nun, nurse, scribe or any other in service to the Divine, so you may attend this workshop as often as you wish. Until you feel really clear of the previous vows, decrees, promises and attachments of your previous positions and conditioning.

There is a lot more in depth info on this link 

The workshop takes place in the Gabriel Realm at the Daisy Centres Retreat from 10am until 1pm, the price is £44.00.

Saturday 10th November ~ Healing with Daisy Foss ~ 
Angels of Awakening one to one Healing sessions with Daisy available 2 to 5pm.

An individual Angels of Awakening Healing is £80 or a personal one to one Vortex Healing ® Divine Energy Healing Manifesting Intention sessions - book them early, as time is limited to 4 sessions.  The price is £80 at the Daisy Centres,  £100 in London, regular sessions are £85.

For more information please go to this link

2pm until 5pm, the price is £80 in Glastonbury. I do give concessions to those who ask! 

Sunday 11th November ~ 11.11.11 Angel Portal of Light & Peace

We are very excited to offer you the opportunity to join us for the Angels of Awakening Academy Massive Angelic Peace Portal 11.11.11 Celebration. We are linking with the Armistice Centenary Day in London and holding the Angel Portal of Peace, in Avalon's Angel Healing Retreat, in the Heart Centre of Avalon, Glastonbury, the Heart Centre of the World!

We are connecting with sacred sites and many other Peace Vigils and Sacred Journeys around the world, especially with Yantara Jiro on his Egyptian tour.

For those who are in London or can travel there easily for the day there is a lot going on. This year, we commemorate Armistice Day with 100 years of Peace in Europe since the end of the 1st World War. There is a special addition called ‘A Nation’s Thank You, the People’s Procession’. 10,000 members of the public, who have been chosen by ballot, will join the Parade of old solders and their families past the Cenotaph in London.

The Angel of Awakening invite you to come and join us to be a beacon of light and experience the full angel light energy as we bring the Love Light from Heaven to Earth. There will be a national bell ringing experience to unite all nations in peace, to signify the jubilation and relief at the end of the war. Bring a bell if you want to join in.

We hope to fill the Daisy Centres Gabriel room and offer this 2 hour healing event for £11.11, we will start at 10.10 and complete by 12.12, please let us know that you are coming so that we can be prepared for you. If you are a member of the Rose Quartz Community and can't attend in person, there will also be a live Facebook stream from 10.50am.

Book a room and come and stay at the Daisy Centre to really get the most from the experience. The price starts at £50 for a single room, £80 per night for a twin, or £90 for a premier ensuite room per night as a single, twin or double.

Call us to discuss your requirements if you wish to attend the retreat, please see the Daisy Centres website,  ~ ~ ~

Or phone 01458 834587  ~ 07970 108156