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Angels of Awakening Autumn Equinox Celebration

  • Daisy Centre 6 Church Lane Glastonbury, England, BA6 9JQ United Kingdom (map)

A whole Weekend with Jo Clarkson & Emmanuel, Daisy Foss & the Angels of Awakening, along with many friends, all channelling their Angels, sounds and light language.

Wednesday 20th September 6.30 to 7pm ~ Full moon Fire Ceremony

Thursday 21st September
10.30 to 11.30am ~ Circle of Sound meditation & connection -  Magic Hat

7.30 pm until 9pm ~ Angels of Awakening Circle of Sound Healing Activation with Daisy & Paul Foss - £10 

Friday 22nd September
2.00 - 4.30pm ~ Ask Emmanuel - An afternoon with an Angel (and his channel Jo Clarkson) ~ £10 or Magic Hat

7.30 - 9pm Angels of Awakening Autumn Equinox Evening with Daisy & Paul Foss featuring Kirtan with Kirtan Wallah Jo ~ £10 or Magic Hat. Actual time of Equinox is 21.02pm.

Saturday 23rd September
10.00 - 12.00pm Speak to the Angels, a Q&A Angel Round Table. Featuring Emmanuel channelled by Jo Clarkson, Merlina through Daisy Foss & Shimlaya through Katie. More guest Angel channels to be announced ~ £10 or Magic Hat

1 to 1 Sessions available with Emmanuel by appointment. See

Afternoon & Evening of the 23rd September - The Daisy Centres Completion Ceremony and the Birthing of the Angels of Awakening Academy. Followed by a Farewell Party at 7.30 pm until late!

Sunday 24th September 2017
10.00 until 1pm ~ Healing the Wounds of the Priests and Priestesses of the Egyptian Temples. An Angels of Awakening Academy Workshop facilitated by Daisy Foss ~ £44

2.00 until 4pm ~ The New Cycle Begins of the Ancient Egyptian Wisdom. Workshop facilitated by Daisy Foss~£44

If you'd like to attend the retreat please see our Room Rates or phone 01458 834587 to book. Whilst here you can book a healing treatment with Daisy Foss or with one of her team of healer friends. The price for your night's stay will be £80 or £90 for a premier ensuite room for two. For single travellers it is £50 per night for a standard room, or £60 per person per night in the premier rooms midweek.

To book your space please contact: Angels of Awakening Academy at the Daisy Centre Angelic Healing Retreat.
01458 834587 ~ 07970 108156  ~ ~