We've got a programme of meditations and healing events with the Angels of Awakening over the Solstice and we'd love to see you at some or all of them!
Friday 16th June 7.30pm ~
Angel & the Alchemyst ~ Angelic meditation with Daisy accompanied by the Sounds of the Harmony Drum with Paul Foss, The Cosmic Percussionist ~ Angels of Awakening Group Healing ~ ask for cc ~ £10 pp
Saturday 17th June 10am till 1pm ~
Egyptian Priestess / Priest Linage ~
A half day course on discovering your Egyptian Priestess / Priest Temple Linage. Includes a group past life regression meditation to heal & align your soul to the present moment ~ £48
Saturday 17th June 2pm till 4pm ~
The Daisy Matrix part 2 ~ Mystery School Wisdom building on your Egyptian knowledge. We will explain and work with the Flower of Life and other symbols. Find out how this connects you with the Angels of Awakening. £48
Sunday18th June ~
Personal Healing Treatments ~ Experience a unique healing with Daisy and her team will be available for a multitude of Divine Energy Healing, Massage, Reflexology and Crystal Healing. ~ see our list of Therapies.
Monday 19th June ~ ~ 7.30 to 9pm ~
Angels of Awakening Evening Meditation with Daisy. As we gather as a group Daisy uses the power of UAP at Merlin's Grace level VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing to Integrate, embody and energise with very deep healing for your whole system, directly from Merlin ~ £5
Tuesday 20th June ~ 7.30 to 8.30pm
Tune Up with Patricia Hubbleday This group healing uses the power of Merlin's Grace level VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing to recharge and refresh you in mind, body a and mind. In the Sanctuary ~ £5.
In the Gabriel Room ~ 7.30 to 9.30pm
Archana ~ Chanting the 1000 names of the Divine Mother and Devotional singing. By donation.
Wednesday 21st June ~ 10.30am
Summer Solstice Morning Meditation. - The solstice starts at 04.24 GMT the Sun brings in the most light as the longest day. We will connect with the portal of energy opening during the day, ground and earth it through those people present. It's a very energizing experience bringing deep peace and relaxation.
Afterwards we'll be heading up to the Chalice Well for their event at 12 noon.
Wednesday 21st June ~ 7.30 to 8.30pm
Angels of Awakening Summer Solstice Evening Meditation. Includes the Circle of Sound Meditation with Daisyand Paul. As we gather as a group to Integrate, embody and energise with very deep healing for your whole system, directly from Merlin ~ £10 In the Sanctuary
If you'd like to attend the retreat please see our Room Rates or phone 01458 834587 to book. Whilst here you can book a healing treatment with Daisy Foss or with one of her team of healer friends. The price for your night's stay will be £80 or £90 for a premier ensuite room for two. For single travellers it is £50 per night for a standard room, or £60 per person per night in the premier rooms midweek.
To book your space please contact: Angels of Awakening Academy at the Daisy Centre Angelic Healing Retreat.01458 834587 ~ 07970 108156
info@daisycentres.com ~ www.daisycentres.com
info@angelsofawakening.com ~ www.angelsofawakening.com