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Find Your Well Self ~ 3 Day Retreat ~

From Coping to Creating: Struggling to Thriving.

Are you finding life difficult and overwhelming every day? Does the world confuse you, with so many contradicting views and opinions? Did you cope well in the past or was life a struggle? Are you lost and don’t know what to believe in anymore? Do you feel very sensitive and fragile?

This is your chance to choose to rebalance and empower yourself. Stop stressing and just surviving, give yourself the opportunity to thrive, create and live your life. Acknowledge and release the struggle, embrace the flow and ebb of your passions. Live efficiently in your full power and alignment by honouring your divine purpose in this world and be inspired to live to your FULL potential.

Our programmes are designed to be transformational and healing, as well as assisting your spiritual development.  We usually Spend Two Days or more in Presence to experience your New Now Presents, your gifts. The programmes are more intense than the hour classes, with many more rewarding results,  delving deep into your issues with regard to the topic of the class.

Friday Evening ~ Spiritual Practices, a Meditation Experience with Daisy & Paul Foss
1 hour ~ 7-8 pm

Sacred Sounds and meditation ~ Time for you to learn how to use your Drum, HandPan or Crystal Bowls. We will introduce you to the Alchemyst of Sounds, Paul and Lui Kreig and play their relaxing music that helps you to re-centre and heals.

Saturday ~ How to Survive and Decode from Trauma
1 hour ~ 10-11 am
Breathwork: Slow down, see clearly and breathe…Daisy will help and teach you simple breathwork techniques to help you find that place of peace once again.

If you feel out of breath, tight in your heart and lungs and anxiety gripping you uncontrollably, then you may be stuck in the frozen state of FEAR.

The survival strategies of Freeze, Fawn, Flight and Fight are real reactions within your physical body. 

Stop…Look and Listen
1 hour ~11-12 pm

Some of us were given the opportunity to stop what we were doing during Lockdown and given the chance to reflect and delve into our deep inner processes. Io look long and hard at what is important and admit what has ‘past its sell-by date’. 

“I still feel forced to explore my feelings, to really evaluate how I feel. To find where the stress is, to transform and direct it into my creations. I am learning to listen to my heart, not the fear, not to the little sabotaging voice in my head, but listening to how I feel and what I truly trust.”

Step back and Let Go…
1 hour ~ 2-3pm

It is so easy for someone to stay stop and step away from the problem, but if we are so invested in what we are doing, it's not an easy task. Take a moment and ask your heart, what do you desire, what do you really want your life to be like? It is a simple activity once you have made the choice to Stop, Look and Listen, you naturally step back to survey the situation. How hard are you holding on to your old dreams and expectations? Is it just a habit, a comfortable easy non-confrontational holding pattern or conditioning from your childhood? What would happen if you let go?

Make time for Joy… Do things for yourself…
1 hour ~ 3-4pm

These times have greatly highlighted the need for us to do things for one another and ourselves. Nurturing our mindsets and perspectives in life is a key aspect of our self-development. Making time for fun, for joy, for playtime during these powerful transformations is essential. 

We are here in this world to grow and evolve but we are also here to fully embrace this existence with unconditional joy, to thoroughly embrace our realities and follow our higher purpose. To stay determined in our daily lives, not be discouraged or defeated. It is so important to make time for Self Love...Make time for Joy…Root, Earth and Anchor every day.

Sunday ~ Optional individual healings with Daisy.
You can now have 'Hands-On' One 2 One or Hands Off Healing in Person or via Zoom or telephone.

Healing ~
~ One 2 one is £110 for one hour
~ Series of three 1hrs is £80 per session on Retreat only. Total £240
~ 30 minutes One 2 One for £40 via Zoom or telephone only

~ 1 hour £30 per person 
~ Half-day £60 per person
~ Full day £120 per person 


Retreats prices here for Bespoke New Now Programmes

For individual and group accommodation go to (link to

*Sound Healings, Meditations and Readings are also available in this package as an add on*

If you wish these classes can be extended and put into a program format for you.

2021 The New Now Winter Retreat ~ 11th to 18th January 2021
7 Day Retreat ~ 11th to 18th January 2021
5 Day Retreat ~ 14th to 18th January 2021
3 Day Retreat ~ 15th to 18th January 2021

14th January ~ 7 pm - 8 pm ~ AoA Q&A - a Meditation Experience.
15th January ~7 pm - 8 pm ~ Spiritual Practices, a Meditation Experience, £10
16th January ~ 10 - 6 pm ~ Find You're Well Self ~ From Coping to Creating: Struggling to Thriving.

For Bigger Bubbles to meet your Tribe and embrace those feeling Lonely especially now. We have other fun and informative Hourly Art and Craft Classes, Spiritual Practises and Yoga & Well Being. There are also longer events, Find Your Well Self, How to Survive Trauma, Nourishing the New You and Connecting to the Ancient Wisdom Workshop. These events can be accessed in person or online. They are designed to be transformational and healing, as well as assisting your spiritual development. These classes will be arranged in sequence so that you can spend one hour, half a day or a whole day of fun…