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Autumn Equinox 2020 Retreat at the Daisy Centre

Autumn Equinox with the Angels of Awakening.

We've got a programme of meditations and healing events with the Angels of Awakening over the Equinox and we'd love to see you at some or all of them! Either in person or online via Zoom. These weekends can be tailor-made for you and your group or just come alone and enjoy the experience.

Book a room and come and stay at the Daisy Centres Retreat. For a premier ensuite room the price will be £120 per night twin or double.
Single occupancy is room rate Friday and Saturday £120 or £70 per night single mid week. 

A Breakfast Box in the room is included, it contains a bottle of Glastonbury Water and Herbal Teas. A Box of PPE is also included for your wellbeing.

The Special Price to include all the meditations, two workshops and one Angels of Awakening Healing is £480 for two people, a saving of £60.

You can choose which events you wish to attend and have as many Healing sessions as you wish, maybe a VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing with Merlin, Angels of Awakening oracle card reading and healing session.

The precise time of Autumn Equinox will be 14.31 on Tuesday 22nd September 2020

Monday 21st September 2020 ~ Angel and the Alchemyst Sound Activation

Come and find the Love in your Heart, with a beautiful healing session with Cosmic Sounds from The Cosmic Percussionists - Angels of Awakening Group Healing (30 minutes ) - 7:30 pm till 8:30 pm ~ £10

Tuesday 22nd September 2020 ~ Angels of Awakening Autumn Equinox Meditation. includes the Circle of Sound Meditation with Daisy and Paul. Connecting to all of the other Circles and groups gathering in celebration of unity, harmony and peace for the planet. In person or online. ~ 10.30 - 11.30 am ~ £10

Tuesday 22nd September ~ 7.30 - 8.30 pm ~ Angels of Awakening Autumn Equinox Evening Meditation.

The Angel and the Alchemyst with Daisy and Paul. As we gather as a group to Integrate, embody and energise with very deep healing for your whole system, directly from Merlin in the Sanctuary. In person or online. ~ £10 per person.

Wednesday 23rd September ~  10am - 1pm ~ Egyptian Priestess / Priest Linage ~  cc available.

A half day course on discovering your Egyptian Priestess / Priest Temple Linage. Includes a group past life regression meditation to heal and align your soul to the present moment. In person or online. ~ £50.

Thursday 24th September~  2pm - 4pm ~  Mystery School Wisdom.

Building on your Egyptian knowledge, the Daisy Matrix ~ Daisy will explain and work with the Flower of Life. In person or online. £50

Friday 25th September ~ 7.30 - 8.30 pm ~ Angels of Awakening Evening Meditation.

The Angel and the Alchemyst with Daisy and Paul. As we gather as a group to Integrate, embody and energise with very deep healing for your whole system, directly from Merlin in the Sanctuary. In person or online. ~ £10.

Optional individual healings with Daisy are available over the course of the whole week. You can now have 'Hands On' One 2 One or Hands Off Healing in Person or via Zoom or telephone.
- One 2 one is £110 for one hour
- Series of three 1hrs is £80 per session. Total £240
- 30 minutes One 2 One for £40 via Zoom or telephone only

To book your space and healing please contact: 
Daisy Centre Angelic Healing Retreat
01458 834587 ~ 07970 108156 ~  ~ ~ ~

*cc available means we can give you a concession on the price if you would like to come, if there is just too much month and not enough money. please ask.

® VortexHealing is a registered service mark of the R.Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more info visit

