Ganesha appears in Glastonbury Abbey
Ganesha appears in Glastonbury Abbey
The Day The Rat Came To Greet Me, to help me Let It Go with the Full Moon and Let it Be.
Lord Ganesha, the Hindu God of Good Fortune. He represents the removal of all obstacles of both material and spiritual kinds of any size. With the rat, or Mouse, as his vehicle, he can control even the most unpredictable of creatures and situations.
Saturday 4th November 2017 was the day of the powerful Full Moon known as the Beaver Moon, the Frost moon or the Hunter's moon. It was in the Zodiac sign of Taurus and was much brighter than usual.
The emotional energy had been building all week, my head was fizzing with anxiety, anger, fear of loss and pain and I felt like I was going to explode like a firework. Not a pretty sight or experience for those I splatter with my emotional outburst, it is not very angelic behaviour!
I knew I had to calm down quickly as I had guests coming to my Healing Centre and I was supposed to be Very Angelic, Very Zen! I knew that one of the best ways to rebalance myself is to go for a walk in the Abbey. I called a friend, she met me there and we started on our usual clockwise meander along the outside path past the ruins of the Lady Chapel and the High Altar. There is something about Glastonbury Abbey grounds, the open space, the magnificent trees, the history of monks and their prayers, with every step the anger was dissipating.
Glastonbury Abbey - photo by Vicki Steward
We talked about the full moon energy and how it was affecting everyone around the world, but especially the energy in Glastonbury. So many events were going on: the Tree Conference at the Red Brick Building, the Glastonbury Dragons Wild Hunt gathering at the Market Cross for Samhain 2017, the Town was rocking, so many people all dressed in their fabulousness.
This was the first time I had been on my Abbey Walk since my return from the Vortex Healing® Divine Energy Healing course in Virginia Beach USA. It had been 12 days of deep meditation, sitting in Merlin’s Energy, the class was called ‘Awakening to Divinity’ and it was so beautiful, relaxing, and enlightening. I wanted to return to that feeling again, it was a beautiful connection, a ‘Bridging to the Divine’.
Unfortunately the family, business, life and other experiences this week had totally upset my apple cart! I was not feeling any Zen, Awakening or any Divinity. I had tried everything I could think of to clear the obstacles, the fears, the blockages of all the Ego Positions involved. I tried Calling Archangel Micheal, Vortex Healing Breaking the Time Lines, Ordering Puja’s from Amma, the Huna prayer banishing ritual and the Ho’Oponopono Forgiveness method. I don’t know if they have worked as they are still cooking! It’s a work in progress, a process.
I hope you will be joining me on the 17th and 18th of November to see Amma at Kempton Park.
By the time I had reached the wildlife area in the top left part of the Abbey Grounds I was exhausted. My friend and I sat on the wooden bench in front of the two Silver Birch trees and I cried. I just Let Go, I had to realise I couldn’t fix everything, there were somethings I could fix, I just needed the wisdom to know the difference. I asked the Angels Of Awakening for help as I always do when I feel so overwhelmed.
As we sat there in the wilderness of the area, there was a rustle and a Big Beautiful Rat came out of the undergrowth and sat on the path in front of me. I was so surprised but didn’t move, I was deep in my healing process and then it dawned on me, Rats clean up !!! Clearing away the obstacles, the negative energy, the stuff that needs to be cleared away.
The Rat sits at the feet of Ganesha. It is the vehicle he uses to reveal himself.
When I realised this, the rat moved closer towards me and just sat there eyeballing me for a long few minutes. The energy was so incredible, the feeling of being at one with nature was so strong. It was like he was talking to me!
A huge relief and feeling of bliss burst through me, I was so overjoyed, it felt like something had really shifted.
My friend and I have come to this place on our Abbey walk many, many times over the last 5 years and have NEVER seen a rat! It was definitely a sign from the Angels Of Awakening, Amma and Ganesha. To learn more about the significance of the rat to Ganesha click here or here.
As we continued our walk around the Abbey Ponds, the orchard and the herb garden the whole atmosphere had changed. Something very magical had happened and I was certainly touched by the Divine feeling I had felt in Virginia Beach, USA. Thank you Merlin x
After a wonderfully grounding hot chocolate and a cup of tea we returned to the High Street with the Dragon Hunt parade going up the to the Fair Field on the Tor.
Wild Hunt - photo by Vicki Steward
Glastonbury is such a magical place, I love it.
The Full Moon was enormous this evening, fireworks were exploding and the sound of music was coming from everywhere.
When I got home I read the Full Moon post on my FB page and was contemplating the three main things we may feel compelled to do while the moon is in Taurus.
· Prioritize or let go of certain relationships.
· The desire to organize and manifest material possessions.
· Stop being so stubborn.
I lit a candle and gave my Ganesha statue an offering of fruit, and an Amma incense and reflected on the last few days in my Angel Sanctuary.
Join the Angels of Awakening with Releasing negativity and cord cutting
This is an except from the Angels of Awakening Academy online 6 week course. I am available for one to one Healing sessions if you would like help facilitating release of fear, addiction loss or anything else. See the Letting Go Workshop page for more. There are many other Huna prayers for abundance, creativity and love available.
The Huna Prayer
The Kahunas of Hawaii devised this method to enable our prayers to harness the Spiritual Laws. They understood that the perfect blueprint is your Higher Self and is the witness of you on Earth. This is called the Monad.
The Lower Self is the subconscious mind (beliefs & dreams) It stands between the Conscious Mind & the Higher self.
The Conscious Mind must raise the vital force to send the prayer to the Higher Self, with enough force to push it through the subconscious Lower Self.
The Higher Self can then link with the Great Beings Of Light who help to bring it about.
All parts of our mind need to be involved to fulfil our prayers, by repeating in 3’s it acts like an affirmation
To raise the energy, chant
Use the ancient Hebrew words, a Mantra for manifestation; visualize a force field of golden light surrounding you during these chants to make sure it is the highest energy coming through.
Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai Tsebeyoth;
Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai Tsebeyoth.
Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai Tsebeyoth; Namaste. ...
The translation is Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of all Hosts.
Raise the energy even more chant Ohm 3 times or more.
Invoke only the highest beings ~ Beloved Source, God, Sat Karush (Supreme Creator) Paramatman, All the Ascended Masters and All Arch Angels
Now repeat your prayer 3 times, you can insert your chosen prayer.
An Example of Banishing Ritual & Forgiveness Prayer:
I forgive everyone who has ever hurt or harmed me consciously or unconsciously, in this life or any other, in this universe or any other, in every plane, level or dimension or any other.
On this level right through to the DNA. I offer Grace!
I ask forgiveness from anyone who I have ever hurt or harmed consciously or unconsciously, in this life or any other, in this universe or any other, in every plane, level or dimension or any other. On this level right through to the DNA. I ask for Grace
I forgive myself for anything I have ever done to hurt or harm another consciously or unconsciously, in this life or any other, in this universe or any other, in every plane, level or dimension or any other. On this level right through to the DNA. I accept Grace
Then read
'My beloved Subconscious mind, I hereby ask and lovingly command that you take this thought form prayer to god, along with all the manna and vital force needed and necessary to manifest and demonstrate this prayer Amen'
Wait 15 seconds
'Lord let the rain of blessing fall Amen
soak up energy from Divine Beloved.'
As with all prayer you must be willing to listen for a response & put in your energy to manifest your desires.
At last I am feeling I can Awaken to Divinity if I
practise, practise practise
Forgiveness, Harmony and Love.
Header photograph of the brown rat by Jean-Jacques Boujot on a Creative Commons License