One Hundred Thousand Angels Came to Glastonbury Last Friday!

I believe One Hundred Thousand Angels manifested as white feathers in St Johns' car park in Glastonbury. I have always been told to … Call and they will come.  

 White feathers are the Angels way of showing you they are there, lots of people need proof and they have to see with their own eyes. Angels are messengers for the divine, envoys of God, healers in times of fear and atrocities’ and are always available to guide and protect you.

They bring immense and intense love, truth and understanding, lightness of being and a feeling of freedom and flight.

Feathers have a very deep connection to the spiritual realms.

Call the Angels And They Will Come

I was called by the Angels of Awakening to hold an impromptu meditation evening at the Daisy Centre in Glastonbury.The world wide web and the Daisy Matrix were wobbling. To name a few reasons - the after effects of the Strawberry Full Moon, the Summer Solstice Solar Cross, the Brexit Referendum, the Prime Minister resigning, 24 opposition MP’s resigning, the United Kingdom and England Football team out of Europe, Roy Hodgson, the football manager resigning and the country in a state of flux! Confusion and the shock of the decision to leave - to ‘Brexit’, was widespread across the whole world. There were whole communities in deep abject fear and the social media feeds were on fire. Many people, political pundits, TV personalities, journalists and many lightworkers of the world were all trying to bring in a state of calm.  

In my world my housekeeper resigned after 23 months. The energy of change and completion was very strong and we recognise that and wish her well in her next venture. It's always a bit of a shock at first and the human condition is to panic and be very hurt. The Angels reassured me it was all in Divine Order and I just needed to trust the process of change and transformation.

However,  Paul & I had to cancel our ‘Moneymoon’ plans for the following week. We call it a moneymoon 'cos it's never cheap! We take a wedding anniversary holiday every year, it is a very special week for us and we love going somewhere new, just to bee in love.

Garden of Feathers.JPG

For 10 years I have held the Gathering of Angels Meditation and Healing Evenings every week, but recently they have only taken place over my Healing Weekend events. This time it was different. the Angels really wanted to come through from Heaven to Earth to bring love and serenity to this plane. One of the messages from the angels was that Light Workers were like florists on Mothers' Day, exhausted but determined to bring love and joy to those who deserved and expected the gifts of love - light. The evening started off well, considering I had only sent out the message on the inner planes and only told a couple of people at very short notice, the room was full of regular familiar faces.  

The Angels of Awakening filled the room with diamond white light, the energy was so thick it was almost impossible to speak the guided meditation. My arms and legs were like lead speared into the earth. I was a massive conduit, a lightning rod of love - light, my mouth was open but only energy was flowing out into the room. I have never experienced quite so much serenity, it was the most humbling  experience. I remember being asked to call a 144 Angels to help humanity get over this fear of the unknown. Then I realised it was a 100.000! Yes, a Hundred Thousand Angels flowing, pouring into all the sacred sites, though those light workers, healers and loving people all over the world helping to steady this wobble of the Matrix. I have experienced this many angels earthing through my system before, usually when there is global natural disaster or an atrocity that affects many lives.

This time it was different, the flow of love was amazing,
the Power of Love overcoming the Love of Power,
the Peace arising like a calm sea after a storm.

It took quite some time before everyone was fully back in the room, often the healing Shakti stay around for a long time after deep meditation. The group of people in the room all looked like they were glowing with bright light. Everyone was so happy and the Daisy Matrix was very calm and centred.   

Then a guest came running in and the  miracle was revealed, St John’s car park was full of soft white feathers, and they were flowing into the Daisy Centre garden. We all went to have a look and it was true !

As we walked out of the gate there were soft white feathers everywhere. It looked like it had just snowed feathers!

They were very white and soft and clean! When you usually see a feather like this it means an Angel is giving you a message.

This was just what I need to see to reinforce my faith in what I am doing.

The Angels of Awakening were showing me it’s okay to  take my work outside the gate and to really spread the messages of the Angels’ Wisdom.

Even if there had been one almighty duvet explosion or mass pillow fight, as my sceptical friends have noted, the timing was perfect. So thank you, and bless you, for creating a feather spectacular on a very wobbly matrix day in Glastonbury.


There are so many  feathers, I was reminded that I had called 144 Angels, but there were so many of them, more like 144,000  feathers strewn across the car park, down the alleys and in the church yard.

I truly believe they were a miracle message, 
a sign to really believe in oneself.


The confirmations to  substantiate my belief  came in thick and fast that night, I realized we had to go to Corfu for the 7th July 2016 for the 7.7.7 angel portal. It was our 13th wedding anniversary and  Paul and I have been lovers and best friends for 20 years, so it was special for us to be able to go away together. The angels just had to manifest a housekeeper to take care of our guests that week.   One of the meditation group knew Lakshmi was looking for work and she came to stay the very next day. I heard there was a Sound and Silence festival in Arillas in Corfu so  we booked the hotel and flights the next day. We stayed in this amazing place called the Marina Hotel on the beach and we had the most fantastic  time.

When we returned a week later there were still feathers on the pathway and the energy of the Daisy Centre and Glastonbury had really changed. It is so calm and serene,  the sun is out and the energy of the town is lighter.

Thank you Angels,
Remember to call them and they will come
I believe in Miracles and Angels

What significance do feathers have in your life? Please tell me your own stories of finding feathers and how they marked changes in your life, in the comments.

A longer version of this article will be in October 2016's edition of Connections Magazine. I'm also delighted to appear three months running in Soul and Spirit Magazine - my article on Altars was on page 18 of the June edition, I appear in their Spotlight on Glastonbury on page 49 of the July edition, and in Benita Jayne's article on how angels helped her launch her dream business on page 50 of the August edition.