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How to Survive Trauma ~ 3 Day Retreat

How to Love and Survive after Narcissistic Relationships

How to Survive Trauma ~How to Love after NPD Relationships - How to Shed Victim Consciousness. You may be traumatised by what is happening now in the world and not have any control over your actions, how do you go forward with your work, hobbies or family life? Does it feel like everyone is being judgemental and calling those they disagree with derogatory names? Have you had a slow realisation that someone near to you is showing traits that you don’t like, and this is pushing your “buttons of fear”

Trauma can be interpreted very differently and it affects everyone in some way. Trusting enough to love another takes courage. Having the intention to be over the pain and suffering of the ordeal will enable you to move on with your life.

If you have had an accident or been attacked, physically, emotionally or mentally your body's response is the same. You kick into Survival Mode, absolutely perfect when you are in danger, but not so good if you are stuck in this state of being for any length of time. 

If this is all new to you, before you start this programme “How to Survive  Trauma and Love after  NPD Relationships,” try our  other New Now Programme “Find Your Well Self, From Coping to Creating, Struggling to Thriving.” Here Daisy explains the process of F.E.A.R and the strategies your body and mind create to survive. It is not just about surviving though, what can you do to feel normal again? How can you love a new partner, your children or parents without the distress of the past? 

For your New Now learn how to read the signs and decode from old patterns and conditioning and allow yourself to love again.

Friday Evening ~ Spiritual Practices, a Meditation Experience with Daisy
1 hour ~ 7-8 pm

Sacred Sounds and meditation with Daisy & Paul Foss, The Angel & the Alchemyst ~ Time for you to learn how to use your Drum, HandPan or Crystal Bowls. We will introduce you to the Alchemyst of Sounds, Paul and Lui Kreig and play their relaxing music that helps you to re-centre and heals.

Saturday ~ Survive and Love after  NPD Relationships.
1 hour ~ 10-11 am
Daisy will show you how to Decode from an abusive relationship and rebuild your confidence and self-esteem. Practical exercises honed from first-hand experiences will help you to find forgiveness, compassion and a way forward. Relationships with those who have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and use coercive and manipulative control can be fun to start with, however behind closed doors, they can turn out to be very nasty. The first step on the road to recovery is understanding the problems and knowing how to protect yourself,  heal and love again.

Survive and Decode from Trauma
1 hour ~ 11-12pm

Breathwork: Slow down, see clearly and breathe….Daisy will help you and teach you simple breathwork techniques to help you find that place of peace once again. If you feel out of breath, tight in your heart and lungs and anxiety gripping you uncontrollably, then you may be stuck in the frozen state of FEAR. The survival strategies of Freeze, Fawn, Flight and Fight are real reactions within your physical body. 

Stop Playing the Gaslighting Game
1 hour ~2-3 pm

There are many forms of abuse and it is not easy to recognise the tricks and games people play to get what they want from you. In my experience Narcissist’s never used words to communicate honestly,  they use a technique known as gaslighting. Find out how and become aware of how your abuser hooks you in and abuses you, using words to confuse, obfuscate, misdirect, manipulate and agitate. Once you know the language and are aware of the full spectrum of the Narcissist's verbal abuse, you can shield yourself by not getting hooked into the game. 

Protect yourself from Projection
1 hour ~ 3-4pm

Recognise how a Narcissist’s classic trait is to project any toxic shame they have about themselves onto another. The defence mechanism used most often to abuse is a projection, they transfer responsibility for their negative behaviour by attributing it to someone else. As a sensitive person, it is important not to “project” your own empathy or sense of compassion onto an abusive person and not to own any of the toxic projections of others. Your actions may be used against you, so it's best to reframe and recognise how to protect yourself from other people's bad behaviour.

Sunday ~ Optional individual healings with Daisy.
You can now have 'Hands-On' One 2 One or Hands Off Healing in Person or via Zoom or telephone.

Healing ~
~ One 2 one is £110 for one hour
~ Series of three 1hrs is £80 per session on Retreat only. Total £240
~ 30 minutes One 2 One for £40 via Zoom or telephone only

~ 1 hour £30 per person 
~ Half-day £60 per person
~ Full day £120 per person 


Retreats prices here for Bespoke New Now Programmes

For individual and group accommodation go to (link to

*Sound Healings, Meditations and Readings are also available in this package as an add on*

For Bigger Bubbles to meet your Tribe and embrace those feeling Lonely especially now. We have other fun and informative Hourly Art and Craft Classes, Spiritual Practises and Yoga & Well Being. There are also longer events, Find Your Well Self, How to Survive Trauma, Nourishing the New You and Connecting to the Ancient Wisdom Workshop. These events can be accessed in person or online. They are designed to be transformational and healing, as well as assisting your spiritual development. These classes will be arranged in sequence so that you can spend one hour, half a day or a whole day of fun…