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Nourishing the New You with Eat For Health UK

This year has shown us the importance of being well, being sick is not an option, so it becomes a choice of what you can do to optimise your health. Exercise stretches, toning your muscles with ancient well tried and tested sacred prayers and Yoga positions are a great way to start your day.  You can feel your body say thank you as you take care and love your new figure. Food is your next choice, are you going to change your old habits and embrace a new way of eating and Eat For Health? It does take a new motivation to educate yourself and introduce new foods and ways to cook them. From growing your own vegetables from seed to table, the science of food source is fascinating and so rewarding.

If you would like to kick start your new health regime, then I highly recommend the 21 Day Purify your Biome with Synergy Worldwide. The benefits are fabulous and the whole programme is designed to help and encourage you to change your old habits and realign your eating habits. The idea is to start with a 5 Day retreat and then come for the 7 Day retreat and have support whilst enjoying your Shakes.

Just to round off your New Now, New You Nourishment, what would be better than a beautifully healthy walk around Glastonbury, taking in the energy of the Sacred Sites and the serenity of nature.

Yoga Class
1 hour ~ 8-9AM

We have a team of Yoga teachers who can come and teach class early morning or when required, as a group or personal session just for you. Suitable for the absolute beginner or well practised Yogini. Week-long retreats are available on request. This ancient art has many different branches and types and styles. 

One of the styles we practice is Kundalini Style Yoga with Sarah, which awakens your neutral mind, where it is possible to transcend duality, release stress, conflict and pain and cultivate trust, acceptance, gratitude, compassionate detachment, non-judgement and unconditional love. Stepping into a time of rest and finding comfort in our inner world. We practice some pranayama, movement, meditation, and mantra to enjoy a long deep relaxation with healing sounds. The studio will be warm and cosy but please bring layers, a mat, a blanket, a water bottle. To book your mat space, call us, we offer Kundalini yoga classes. Meet Sarah @abbeystudiodevon 

Eat For Health
1 hour or 4 hours

Empower your physical self with joy, love and motivation for a wholefood diet. Elle from Eat For Health offers a full day of food education. These classes are an inspirational and motivational collection of talks and workshops covering physiology, whole food eating, cooking sessions, nutrition label understanding and Q&A. 

Workshops enable all people to reduce their risk of dietary-related disease through health education. Explained clearly using Government and World Health Organisation data. Get all the tools you need to choose and prepare wholefood meals that are delicious & nutritious without being time-consuming or complex. 

Eat More Fruit and Veg and Beans and Lentils. The added fibre in your diet from these foods will reduce your risk of heart disease by 40%. Pretty good for one of the main causes of death in the western world. Eat lentils- You will be healthier, feel healthier and are likely to live longer. Meet Elle on Instagram @EatForHealthUK

Purify by Synergy Worldwide
1 hour video

Unlock Your Potential, Achieve Elite Health with a 21 Day Purify kickstart program. Improve your Microbiome and build your up Immune system for your health and wellbeing being. Find your Well Self and be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise about your diet. Having the right balance is critical for optimal health, as our Microbiome affects so many aspects of our lives. For example, our mood, The Happy Hormone, is manufactured in your gut? your “Get up and Go” are ALL produced in the Gut – when it is in the right balance.

Food cravings, weight management, digestion and metabolism, brain health, fertility and many other things – you can see how important having a balanced Gut Microbiome is. Dopamine, the Motivation Hormone, Oxytocin, which looks after Love, trust and Self-esteem and Noradrenaline which gives you your “Get up and Go” are ALL produced in the Gut – when it is in the right balance.

Walking the Sacred Sites
1 hour

Somerset has beautiful countryside that can be accessed and rambled through with ease and grace. Whether you find yourself on the Somerset levels watching the amazing Starling Murmurings or Bove Town take in the view of the town.  A short stroll around Glastonbury Abbey, through the Orchard, Herb Garden and nature reserve where the badgers live is so relaxing, you can feel any anxiety or stress just peel away with every step. After the Ancient ruins, we suggest you continue to walk up the High Street to Chalice Well, the Garden of Peace filled with absolutely exquisite flowers from all over the world. The waters of the White Spring are crisp and clear as you continue onto Glastonbury Tor walking amongst the sheep and the cows as they graze. and Join Matt with his Ancient Tree Walks that take you on a beautiful journey and meet some incredible sacred guardian trees such as Gog and Magog. 

For Bigger Bubbles to meet your Tribe and embrace those feeling Lonely especially now. We have other fun and informative Hourly Art and Craft Classes, Spiritual Practises and Yoga & Well Being. There are also longer events, Find Your Well Self, How to Survive Trauma, Nourishing the New You and Connecting to the Ancient Wisdom Workshop. These events can be accessed in person or online. They are designed to be transformational and healing, as well as assisting your spiritual development. These classes will be arranged in sequence so that you can spend one hour, half a day or a whole day of fun…

Healing ~
~ One 2 one is £110 for one hour
~ Series of three 1hrs is £80 per session on Retreat only. Total £240
~ 30 minutes One 2 One for £40 via Zoom or telephone only

~ 1 hour £30 per person 
~ Half-day £60 per person
~ Full day £120 per person 


Retreats prices here for Bespoke New Now Programmes

For individual and group accommodation go to

*Sound Healings, Meditations and Readings are also available in this package as an add on*

Optional individual healings with Daisy. You can now have 'Hands-On' One 2 One or Hands Off Healing in Person or via Zoom or telephone.

- One 2 one is £110 for one hour
- Series of three 1hrs is £80 per session. Total £240
- 30 minutes One 2 One for £40 via Zoom or telephone only

Earlier Event: 7 November

Connecting to Ancient Wisdom ~ Discover what the Mystery of Merlin and the Angels can do for you.

Later Event: 21 November

Find You're Well Self ~ From Coping to Creating: Struggling to Thriving.